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Biodanza en Español es en forma virtual, clases de Biotango solamente presencial, Danza Coaching puede ser virtual o presencial.

en Español

Todos los jueves 19hrs en Feb 2022

Venite a conocer como danzar puede cambiar tu vida! Clases virtuales en Zoom!

1000 ARS la clase / 3500 ARS mensual

Danza Coaching Individual

Permitime guiarte en una sesión que te ayuda desarrollar tus potenciales!

4000 ARS la sesión

Clases de

La integración de Biodanza en el Tango nos ayuda de danzar con mas alegría y placer!

Solo en forma presencial en CABA.

2000 ARS la clase/ 7000 ARS mensual




77€ for one session / 280€ for four sessions



Regular: 22€ for one class / 66€ per month (four classes)

Low Income: 11€ for one class / 33€ per month

Sponsorship Angels: 33€ for one class / 99€ per month


Each sponsorship angel makes it possible that people with less financial possibilities can join us! THANK YOU!





Booking Form:

Thanks for your booking! Check your inbox for the next step!

Booking Form


Weekly session on Zoom


Each Monday 2pm EDT (New York, Montreal)

8pm CEST (Paris, Vienna, Cape Town)

Do you dare to dance outside your bubble?

Biodanza, developed by Rolando Toro, is a system of integration which allows you to reconnect to your soul and other human beings through dancing. I will carefully guide you through a series of improvised dances that stimulate juicy & beautiful sensations like joy, love, empowerment and pleasure. We live in a world where we have learned to suppress our emotions - and now it’s time to feel into what is „within“ and allow to express it through movement! YES! Expect your body to surprise you, to speak to you, to awaken what has been asleep for too long…

Dance is a powerful tool to manifest the life you want. If you can dance it, then you can be it. We all accompany one another in our process of personal transformation. As we dance, we celebrate our diversity and discover synchronicities.

No dance experience is necessary, everyone is welcome!

Come with someone from a different social bubble or with a different opinion / religion / generation / lifestyle and both of you will get one class for free!

Please subscribe using the booking form.
Spaces are unlimited, still early reservation is appreciated!




Private Dance Coaching

Connect with your essence.


This is a session just for you.


Thank yourself for this gift which I, Valerie, will design especially for you. All dance impulses are based on a prior interview where we will clarify your specific needs in this moment of your life. Imagine you are like a harp with 47 strings which all sound beautiful, but usually you only activate the 15 ones you know. You are not even aware of your full potential, no musician has ever tried to make your full spectrum sound.


How about allowing me to be that musician and gently guiding you to express your forgotten sounds

or pitch those strings that are out of tune?


Do you sometimes feel lonely and depressed and would like to re-activate joy & motivation?

What old negative beliefs do you hold and and would like to let go of?

Would you like to be more self-confident and successful at work?

How about stepping in your erotic energy and connect with your masculine & feminine superpowers?





Heinz, Austria

Read Testimonial ->

After dancing with Valerie I felt  237% happier. Our emotions are energy in motion - this is why this process is liberating and cathartic. Big recommendation!

What is included and how does it work?


  • A first 15min consultation call is absolutely free of charge. Book it here.

  • We have a one hour in depth interview in which we will clarify the goal for your session and define whether we want to aim for only one Dance Coaching or a package. You can also express music wishes.

  • You choose between free improvisation dance or a more Tango oriented class.

  • I create the content according to your needs, supporting exactly the area where you want to grow personally or professionally.

  • If you wish, the Dance Coaching can be for you & your partner.

  • It will take me about 4 hours to prepare your class and I'll be ready for it in less than a week.

  • I will carefully guide you through a two hour session of 10-14 dances that are specifically for you and support you in the field you need to work on. Check my You Tube Channel to get an idea what the dance impulses could look like!

  • We have a short check-in after the class and agree on an anchor for your experience that you'll create.

  • If you wish, we have another 30-min accountability call a week later where we will see how you managed to integrate the gained wisdom of your body into your life. Eventually we look into continuing working together.

If you can dance it, then you can be it.

An example of how a dance impulse could look like. Here we go beyond our limits. Find more free content on (and subscribe to)...




All levels.

Individuals, pairs & groups

Learn Tango Argentino with the tools from Biodanza

First of all: Congratulations! You just found gold.


There are very few people in the world who teach Biotango.

My Biotango Classes are all about exploring Tango Argentino as a source of personal transformation.

Tango as a mirror of our personality.


Many Tango students & teachers focus mainly on the technique. Don't worry - you will also get Tango technique here. But what my Biotango classes are really all about is the magic of Tango, the deep heartfelt connection, the expression of emotions & personality. Being seen, understood, heard. I have been teaching Biotango in Argentina, the USA, the UK, Austria & the Netherlands. In October 2020 I had the great honour to present Biotango at The Embodiment Conference with 500.000 participants from all over the world. My objective is to provide Tango classes that make you FEEL GOOD rather than leave you frustrated with complicated figures. Tango does not need to be HARD. At the end it is "caminar y abrazar", walking and embracing. So everyone can do it - right?





  • Vitality - feeling alive & healthy, being present, connecting to our power & potential

  • Affectivity - love, connection, empathy in Tango

  • Creativity - play, create, explore, invent YOUR Tango

  • Sexuality - find pleasure in dance, awareness of Yin & Yang energies

  • Transcendence - unity on a higher level, Tango as spiritual practise or ritual

Ready to change your life in a dance class?

Have a look at my introduction to Biotango!






What is Biodanza?

Biodanza is a system that has been invented by Rolando Toro in the 1960ies and is now popular all around the world. In a carefully guided dance session, called "Vivencia" the facilitators give movement impulses to the students with which they stimulate positive feelings such as joy, love, empowerment and pleasure. All dances are improvised and have a great impact on self-discovery and personal growth. Biodanza is the "Dance of life" - the basic idea is that our dance shows how we live. And vice versa: Dancing is a way of manifesting reality in our life. If you can dance it, then you can be it. Have a read on the 5 Biodanza lines here.


Do the classes take place online?

Yes. I will carefully guide all of you throughout the whole session via Zoom.


I usually don't dance. Can I still participate?

Absolutely! You don't need to have ANY dance experience to do this, neither does it matter how old or fit you are.


Is this a dance therapy?

No, but the effects can be similar. Like in a dance therapy I stimulate you in order to explore improvisation dance or Tango as the mirror of your personality. I use the tools of Biodanza to guide you in your process of connecting to your essence in very creative and powerful ways.


Can I combine the Private Dance Coaching with Tango?

Yes! This could be interesting for you especially when you sometimes struggle with different problems in Milongas (not getting dances, not communicating well with a partner etc.) Topics may vary from setting limits, attracting, expression vs. listening, vulnerability, self-confidence and many more.


Are these classes available for all Tango levels?

Yes! It does not matter whether you are a total beginner or advanced dancer.


I'd love to take a class but can't afford it. What shall I do?

Please reach out. I've lived in poverty myself and don't want money to be an obstacle for you to have this. I am sure we'll figure it out! You can also subscribe to my Newsletter  or follow me on Facebook to get information about free classes and special offers. Plus there is a lot of free stuff on My You Tube Channel.


Can I do the classes alone?

The Private Dance Coaching can be for individuals or couples and the Biotango classes can be for one, two or more people.


Can we have a chat before I decide?

Of course! I am happy to answer all your questions and give you the chance to get to know me before you book a Dance Coaching or class with me. Just book a free 15 min consultation call here.





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Don't hesitate to reach out!

You can reach me here directly:

© 2020 by Valerie Kattenfeld

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