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This was the tango world championship 2024

The reason why I moved from Europe to Argentina was because I wanted to live in the World Mekka of Tango. Each August when the Tango World Championship is happening in the Usina del Arte I am celebrating this choice that has changed my life almost 6 years ago. In this article I want to share some observations and reflections I have made during the past 2 weeks.

Many people may think it is good enough to see only the finals, but the truth is that they would miss out on a lot of diversity that Tango can be and what Tango has to offer. So, my first insider tip (for 2025!): go to the “clasificatoria” where EVERYONE can join without any prior selection process. This shows the whole diversity and creativity of tango and I find many proposals more interesting than the ones who make it amongst the top 20. For instance, there was one couple (picture above!) who used an audio of a female voice as introduction, talking about the process of a butterfly from sleeping in its cocoon until it makes its way out, spreading its wings and flying for the first time. The female dancer started in an embryo position, being held by her dancer. She had a brown dress. At one point she opened her dress and it revealed a huge red butterfly - she had grown and spread her wings. This performance has been given by my dear colleague Emiliano Vega y Eliana Manzo - and it was only after the performance that I was told that she is blind. I was blown away…

Another performance started with a man singing playback into a microphone with dramatic gestures and a female voice asking: ”What if Carlos Gardel would have been a dancer…?!” Then, a very humourus trio unfolded: the female dancer - Amira Luna Zárate - who wants to dance with him whileas Gardel aka Damián Roezgas every now and then sneaks back to the microphone to follow his passion, then her again seducing him and pulling him away from the mike. I loved how this couple from Resistencia in the province of Chaco managed to bring in the dynamic of a third force on the stage, I found it very creative and funny.

Why is it that year after year there is so much of the same and often “more of the same” is what gains the most percentage of the judges? This years winners of Tango Escenario Ayelen Morando and Sebastian Martinez are an example for this observation.

Watching the semifinals in 80%. of the cases I see the following…

Same, same and more of the same...

A couple with amazingly technical skills performing a mindblowing leg Kung Fu. A black dress. Dramatic facial expression. Always the same music, couple after couple (this year it was “Quejas de bandoneon” and “Gallo Ciego”, 2023 it was “Loca”). Very little attention towards telling a story or transmitting a message, evoking a certain association or emotion (that is not the classical drama Tanguero). Last years winners were an endearing exception and there impact was visible in this year: quite a few couples chose the same song “Mala Junta” and performed a tango that I associate with light, sweet, smiling, playful rather then the canon of dramatic, passionate, intense. I also observed a lot of acceleration of movement in general as if there was a fear of the pause, the silence, the depth. As if more automatically is more. I realised often when the music drifted into slowing down, ligado, melodic, this was when many couples took advantage of integrating archetypal gestures and mimics that told us something about their relationship. The fact these parts were often not danced but more acted and therefore caught my attention.

Also the eyes dance...

Carla Dominguez and Jesus Taborda have been the couple amongst the winners who has worked with the highest accuracy in terms of eye movement - were to look at each single second in the choreography, lie accompanying movement of the body or eye contact with the partner. With this element I felt more depth in the relationship than in the other couples. Their glory was in the velocity of their movements, more then in the acrobacy of lifting etc. I counted: the had “only” 9 figures where she was entirely up in the air. This made me optimistic because my body is not that flexible and seeing Carla gives me hope that I can also get far in the championship.

This year I paid more attention to Stage Tango than to Tango Salon. But I do wanna say that I like the winners of Tango Salon, Fátima Caracoch and Brenno Marques, a lot. I felt their Tango very Milonguero, connected, light, sweet and most importantly: they dance with their soul and their personality, not with a stereotype. My respect also for Marcela Jara and Luis Mario Saihueque who won in the category Tango Senior for 55+ years. i just saw them dancing last night in “La Nacional” from 3 meters distance and they were amongst all the winners from 4th to fist place the couple that touched me the most and transmitted an authentic heartfelt connection.

How objective is the Jury?

I wonder how much the choices of the judges is influenced by their personal relationship (such as student-teacher or friend/colleague) with the dancers. How far being objective can be guaranteed. There are many rumours circulating about that. I heard people say that a lot is pre-arranged and therefore they would not even take part in the competition because they do not want to support a system of manipulation and injustice. A well known dancer as shared her experience how a judge said openly to a same-gender couple “For me, Tango isa dance between a. man and a woman. So do not expect any points from my side at all.” Right after this comment they had to perform… I find it very sad if a member of a jury is so much influenced by their personal opinion and not able to evaluate the actual dance beyond the gender. I also notice the high percentage of Argentinian judges that is proportional to the percentage of Argentinians who occupy the highest ranges. I wonder if it would not be appropriate to have a few international jury members in the Tango WORLD championship?

Emotional shock

Being a Biodanza facilitator (and a human!) I am familiar with embodied expression of emotion. My personal award for best embodiment of victory goes to Ornella Simonetti. When she received the third price for Tango Salon she walked confidently to the center, her chest was open, she held the price up high and had a radiant smile. She laughed and shouted. When Ayelen and Sebastian received the first price in Tango escenario they collapsed. They started to cry desperately and their bodies went to the ground, hiding their faces. I can relate o the drop of tension, but it was irritating to see them in the moment of great victory not being able to receive the appreciation, like denying it. I wondered and have not really figured it out. I know people do cry out of happiness, but they would still smile underneath their tears.

It was MAD that they had to perform their show again in this emotional state. I found this almost violent. And the fact that they were able to do so earns all my deepest respect. For me THIS is more outstanding then the performance itself.

My personal mundial

In total, I went to Usina del Arte like 5 times or so, watching as much of the classification and semifinals as I could. In a way, the mundial of tango is like an annual check up with the doctor, you take the temperature, measure the blood pressure etc. You wanna know the status quo.

Quite a few friends of mine participated and i feel very proud of them.

I am also a bit sad that I did not take part myself this year, but I am holding and honouring myself in this choice. Last year was all about having the experience, being behind the scenes and it felt AMAZING to hear Carlitos saying “Damos la bienvenida a la pareja 310, Valerie Kattenfeld and Javier Pereyra representando a la ciudad e Viena, Austria!” and entering the huge stage at Usina with all the lights, the audience etc. We had only one week preparation time, so it was no serious participation. I have “been there, done that” - so my next step is to compete with someone with whom I have already had a process with as a dancing couple. Watch my dancing from last year here!

I also took part in two Tango lessons, one with Ruben & Sabrina Veliz and another one with Nacho Gonzales, Mica Spina and Manuco Firmani. My take away from Ruben is when he talked about the boleo saying “It looks like force, but it is actually freedom”. Ans witch Nacho we were diving into “Invierno Porteño” from Piazzolla, improvising and then studying a choregraphy. My companion had a hurt foot and at a certain point he could not continue anymore. So I just tried as good as I could to. do the movements by myself. Then Manuco Firmani noticed me and said: “What happened to your partner?!” and then I ended up dancing with the teacher and we nailed it!! It felt a bit like a black swan story - first being the outcast and then the pages turn and everything falls into place, in the best possible way. Was this a sign? Could this be my story? I have already been joking with Nuria making a stand up comedy out of my drama - the tango dancer who is forever alone… And then, all of a sudden when you least expect it…. your other half appears.

Well, stay tuned for the third season of “the life of Valerie in Buenos Aires”.. I am taking bets in the comments on what you think will happen at the Mundial 2025?!

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